Financing and Incentives
With 42 of 42 USDA REAP Grants secured, PPC Solar has a 100% success rate and a proven track record for helping you get the grant. Contact us to discuss your options.
Financing through PPC Solar
Current government solar incentives
No Gross Receipts Tax in New Mexico Combined with the Federal 30% Tax Credit and the New Mexico State 10% Tax Credit make going solar even more affordable.
Find out more about financing for solar in your area at www.dsireusa.org
Solar grants for small businesses
50% reimbursement grant offered through the USDA Rural Energy for America Program really makes the numbers work for agricultural producers & small businesses (artist studios qualify too!).
Call us today to see how this can work for you business.
Non-Profit Financing
Financing options for non-profits are available through RE-volv so you can spend your money on your mission.
This financing approach allows your non-profit to go solar for zero down and gives you the ability to save 15% or more
on your electric bills, all paid pack through a 20-year contract. Find out more at re-volv.org
We offer financing from a variety of partners; from NUSENDA Bank & Service Finance for residential financing, locally operated banks for business commercial financing, and Re-Volv for nonprofit financing. Additionally, PPC Solar is also a partner with Jemez Mountains Electric Cooperative to provide residential photovoltaic installations financed through their nsolar loan program. Depending on your needs we can help guide you in the right direction.
Explore Project Sunroof for a personalized analysis of your solar potential. Visit https://sunroof.withgoogle.com